Art manifested itself in Katia Yachmann’s life as a medium that “heals the healer”. In a creative and curious attempt to decorate her home, she created her first piece of art. As she had taken it to a local art gallery for framing, her talent was recognized by an experienced scout, who encouraged her to explore and pursue this talent.

Call it chance or destiny, all roads lead Katia Yachmann’s hands and heart. Katia has dedicated her life and career towards helping others heal.

It all started when found her calling as massage therapist; providing relief to all that sought her care.  She specialized in therapies serving patients going through cancer; and through her touch, she focused on soothing their journey and providing relief to their bodies.

Katia’s art is colorful, inventive, abstract, and has no bounds. Just as her passion for life. Her “go with the flow approach” in life inspires each piece carries a “wish or a blessing” of happiness to whomever it belongs. Katia has been studying art with renowned artists from around the world at the moment.

Her work has been displayed and sold at Art Basel, as well as several  galleries in South  Florida. Through her hands and heart, this emerging artist has been spreading the essence of life, love , and emerging into one for all to enjoy.  Not to forget that she is a prodigy child who at age of 3 years old played  the piano perfectly even before she learned how to read.

Image Shot at Art Basel Miami 2023

In addition to her art work, Katia is a professional in the field of bodywork, massage therapy and healing arts. She currently resides in Miami, Fl.